Pudding Hill Camp

Here are some links to pictures from camp 
at Pudding Hill.  

These should give you an idea about what to expect when you go to Pudding Hill early in Term 1 - 2016

End of Term Activities

What have we been up to?

Swimming lessons at Wharenui Pool every day

Being food scientists - testing and developing sherbet products to sell

Water fun afternoon

Christmas Decorations

Make a Room 4 Angel!
Use the ideas below to create your own unique angel design


This week we built a giant map in the sand pit and used this to help us understand the shapes of different landforms. 
We then tried to draw our own made up maps.

3D Shape Fun

Use the images on this page to help you to make and classify a variety of 3D shapes.

Take a look at the amazing shapes that we made.

Caption Competition no2

Choose one of the pictures below 

Write a funny comment
a title or news headline
write the first sentence of a story...

and add your idea to the share space - SHARE HERE

EXTRA Challenge:  Use alliteration, a simile or a metaphor

More Story Starters

Choose a sentence and finish the story.

  1. Everything stopped, people were stood like statues all around me, people in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams all lifeless, frozen in time. 
  2. I had never seen a ghost.  But like they say, there is a first time for everything. 
  3. He opened the safe and it had gone. No one had the code, who could have opened it?
  4. Grey and foreboding, the castle stood atop the hill looking down across the small town, in the topmost window of the highest tower stood a small boy called... 
  5. Am I in heaven?  What happened to me? 
  6. Closer and closer it came, it was getting bigger and bigger, soon it filled the sky above, was the moon falling? 
  7. He wandered aimlessly through the house seeking any form of distraction to avoid the inevitable doom. Why did it feel like he was nearing the gallows? 
  8. Peeking through the window her surprise turned to horror...
  9. I woke up with a start, something was in my room.  The wardrobe doors opened and it came out of my wardrobe.
  10. "Witches don't exist!" My gran's words echoed around my head as the horrific image gurned at me through my bedroom window.

Caption Competition

Choose a picture and add a caption - short sentence - headline - funny comment

to go with one of the pictures below.



Empire State Building

