NEWS STORY Writing Example

Title:  Hole to the Centre of the Earth!

Plan and Ideas

What - a giant hole - a small earthquake - a mighty crash - sound of explosives
Where - in an outer middle of Mexico City
When - overnight - people asleep in bed woken up
Why - giant earthworms?  volcanic activity? aliens 
Who - local people - scientists - 
How - 

Title:  Hole to the Centre of the Earth!

Last night many people across Mexico City where violently woken from a peaceful sleep by a loud explosive shaking of the ground.

This morning people emerged from their homes to discover that a giant hole had appeared in the middle of a main cross road.

Locals believe that the hole goes to the centre of the Earth and that it is linked to Mexican legends about massive rock-eating earth worms.

Scientists have arrived in the city to investigate this amazing phenomena.  Their first reports suggest that the hole is most likely due to volcanic activity or possibly a problem with the city's stormwater system.

Some have suggested that aliens might be to blame.  There have been many alien reports over the past few weeks, so who can say what the truth is at this point.


When -
What - 
Where - 
Why -  
Who - 
How -

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