Monday 30th March

Jump Jam
Number Trail Challenge - make a path to the finish by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing

Mathletics - Devils and Rangers
Understanding coordinates - Battleships - Colourful Cheshires and Eagles

Mathletics - Colourful Cheshires and Eagles
Understanding coordinates - Battleships - Devils and Rangers 

Morning Tea

Spelling Testing

Writing Challenge - Mixed up animals!
Take a look at these crazy mixed up animals.
What would be the benefit of disadvantage of an animal like this?

Use your imagination and be creative.
Design your own mixed up animal that is a mixture of between 3 and 5 different creatures.
Draw your creature and give it a name.
Label the special features of your animal on the drawing.
Write a short description about this creature and include:
What the creature has (special features of the body and what they do?)
Where it lives (warm or cold environment?)
How it lives (Comes out at night - nocturnal?)
What it eats
How it gets it's food - how does it hunt?  Is it a carnivore or a herbivore
How many babies do they have at a time and what are they called?

Horse Bill or Duck Horse - eats long French bread sticks

Wild Tiger Shark - the most dangerous animal in the grassland of New Zealand - stand just 30 cm high and like to bite the ankles of people out walking in the grass!

Shark Tiger - has special camouflage that makes it invisible in a coral reef
 Long Necked Turtle Camel - has a very long neck which allows it to sit on sea bed abut lift it's head above water so that it can breath air and look out for seagulls - food = seagulls!
 Wolf Hawk - has the wing-span of a school classroom.  This creature swoops down from the top of city buildings and carries away school children at playtime to feed to it's young.

Labelled picture - diagram of your creature
Special features

Lunch Time

Shared Reading
Learning Collage Work
Finish border
Add your self portrait
Complete all headings - coloured in and cut out
Complete images and keywords for your Brain Needs
Complete images and keywords for the importance of sleep

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